Snakes may play a role in the ecosystem, but when they invade your property, they can create safety risks and stress. At Environmental Pest Management, we specialize in humane snake removal services throughout Central Ohio. Our experienced team safely handles snake infestations, protecting your home and family while ensuring these reptiles are relocated responsibly. Whether they’re hiding in your basement or slithering through your yard, trust us to resolve your snake problems quickly and effectively. Contact us today for professional snake removal services in Central Ohio!
Length: 6 inches to 8 feet (depending on species).
Color: Varies by species – brown, green, black, patterned, or striped.
Reproduction: Most species lay eggs, but some give live birth.
Active Season: Spring through early fall (most active during warm weather).
While rare, snake bites can transmit infections and venom can cause severe reactions. Snakes can also carry parasites such as ticks and mites, which can transmit diseases to pets and humans.
Snakes often seek shelter in basements, crawl spaces, and sheds.
They can enter through small cracks and gaps in foundations and walls.
Non-venomous snakes may still cause fear and discomfort for homeowners.
Shedding skin and droppings can create odor and sanitation issues.
Snakes prefer warm, dark, and hidden areas. They are often found in woodpiles, tall grass, rock piles, and near water sources. During cooler months, they may seek shelter in basements, attics, and crawl spaces.
Services we offer
Snake trapping & removal
Snake exclusion & prevention
Entry point inspection & sealing
Snake habitat modification

Preferred Pest Protection
Sign up for Preferred Pest Protection (P3), our preventive maintenance program. We know discovering a pest infestation in your home is unsettling. With Preferred Pest Protection, our primary focus is to eliminate household pests and keep them out of your home for good. P3 offers the most comprehensive and hassle-free home protection in Central Ohio.
That means year-round protection and treatment for up to 45 different types of pests – including ants, stinging insects, silverfish and spiders. The best part – no long term contracts.
EPM provides residential pest control services within central Ohio. Call today for a free estimate.
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